Generations Vision
We believe that it is an honor and a privilege to have an active role in equipping the upcoming generation!
Our kids are being brought up with Kingdom foundations established at an early age. We believe that if we equip and unlock children to walk in the fullness of God that their lives will be full of purpose, direction & vision as they grow into the men & women who will Rebuild, Repair, Revive, and Restore (Isaiah 61:4).
Drop-off & Pick-up Policy
All children must be checked in with our Registration Team and have stickers in order to enter their class.
Parents and guardians must have the appropriate, matching sticker to pick their child up. We do not release children to anyone under the age of 18.
Children can be signed in as early as 9:30 a.m.
Class begins at 10:00 a.m. for Red, Orange, and Green Arrows
Drop off cutoff time is 10:30 a.m.
Blue and Purple Arrows are dismissed for class following worship.
Emergency Policies
In case of a fire emergency:
All children will remain with their teachers until it is safe to re-enter the building or leave the premises, and the following procedures will be followed:
Please refer to the map in each class for the evacuation route and safe location that each class will remain at until it is safe for us to either re-enter or to leave the premises.
Red Arrows: The babies will be placed in the crib(s) (cribs have wheels), and the teachers will push the babies safely in the cribs to their safe location by exiting out through the classroom doors.
All other classrooms: All children will line up single file, with assistance from teachers (some of the younger ones may need to be carried), and as quickly as possible, walk quietly and safely out of their classroom.
Announcement of a tornado warning:
All children will stay with their teachers/classes and go towards the interior wall of the classroom or hallway, away from all doors and windows.
All children will stay as still as possible during the duration of the drill/warning, assuming the tornado safe position if a tornado is actively touching down (crouch down, folding your body over your knees/legs with your head facing the ground and hands covering the back of your head).
Teachers can use play mats, rugs, blankets, or other soft items to cover the children and shield them from debris.
Children will not be released to anyone at this point. The children will stay with their teacher until notified by either a church staff member or Generations leader/administrator.
In any and all emergencies, drop-off and pick-up policies must be adhered to in order to ensure each child is accounted for.
Wellness Policy
We ask that sick children and adults not attend class in order to ensure the health of our entire body. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that a child should not leave home when any of the following symptoms exist:
Fever (over 101 degrees)
Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
Respiratory illness symptoms (cough, runny nose, or sore throat coupled with a fever)
Any unexplained rash
Any skin infection - boils, ringworm or impetigo (HFMD)
Untreated pink eye or other eye infection
Any symptom of childhood diseases such as scarlet fever, German measles, mumps, chicken pox or whooping cough
Any communicable disease
Lice, including the presence of eggs or nits
We follow these guidelines, and we expect that both children and teachers be free of any fevers for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines before returning to Generations.
We do not dispense any medication to children.
If a child appears to be ill, we will notify the parent immediately by text message through our system.
Nursing Mother’s Room
We have a special room for nursing moms to feed and care for their babies. It is located in Room 1 and is easily accessed from the main auditorium. There are water bottles in the refrigerator, snacks on the corner shelf, and service is able to be live-streamed.
Guidelines for Before and After Class
It is our desire that our children enjoy coming to church. We want it to be a great time of playing with friends and cultivating relationships; however, for the safety of others and themselves, we have a few guidelines for non-classroom time.
Children are NOT allowed outside the building without adult supervision.
Walk only, no running, for the safety of all, especially small children and the elderly.
Children are NOT allowed to climb on furniture or auditorium chairs.
Children are NOT allowed in classrooms except during scheduled classroom time and under approved adult supervision.
We do NOT allow loitering (hanging out unsupervised) in hallways, foyer or bathrooms once church service has begun.
Children are NOT allowed on the stage at any time, unless directed by an adult or a specific Generations activity.