
We are aware that the Guilford County Board of County Commissioners issued a mask mandate for Guilford County effective 8/13/2021, but houses of worship are exempt from the requirements of the ruling.

We continue to encourage you to follow your convictions for you and your family concerning the wearing of masks while inside the Church on 68.

As always, we request that you stay home when you or members of your household are not well.


We are so excited to be returning to our Sunday in-person meetings beginning March 7! So much has transpired over the last year, yet the call of God on our Church has remained. Our community partnerships have strengthened in this time, our prayer meetings have been powerful, and the proceeding Word has helped us to remain in step with God! The Kingdom of God has continued to advance!

As we prepare our hearts to return next Sunday, I want to encourage you to remember what God has shown you here at 68. As we continue to build on revelation, we will find the strength and stability to move forward together in unity. Pastor Kirk taught us years ago, “Live in what you know, not in what you don’t know”. The prophetic word that came last March concerning the pressure test has certainly proven true. As we allow that pressure to reveal areas in our heart that need attention, we are confident that God will be faithful to complete the work He has started in us.

When we return, we encourage you to sit together with your family, be mindful of distancing, and be aware of others. We will not come down front for worship, instead we will fill the whole auditorium with praise!

We want to thank you for your faithfulness over the last year to continue to build on the foundation stones of this place. As we give, serve, worship and pray, truly we will see lives rebuilt, repaired, revived, and restored. 

We are looking forward to seeing you once again in person. 

Stepping together, 

Pastor Whit 


We are so excited to begin our return to our corporate gatherings TONIGHT at 7pm! Worship and Prayer are two of the foundational stones of our church and are vital in seeing the purpose of God established in our midst.

On a practical note: we will be mindful of our social distancing, we encourage you to wear a mask in the foyer if distancing is not possible, and we are asking that we honor each other and the boundaries people have set for themselves. We will also stand together with our families, spaced apart in the auditorium, not coming down front for worship at this time. 

We believe God has been at work during our time a part, revealing foundations, and giving us the chance to strengthen our relationship with Him. As we return in faith and unity, stirring ourselves by remembering the assignment and our placement, we will continue to see God's will accomplished at the Church on 68.


We will be returning to in-person meeting for Wednesday Corporate Prayer & Worship beginning Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021.


Men’s Prayer & Discipleship will resume Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 at 6am.


On prayerfully considering the return to Men's Prayer and Discipleship tomorrow, we have made the decision to hold off and only have our working crew here for our Sunday morning live services through the month of December. In light of yesterday's message, I want to encourage you to continue to cultivate your relationship with the Lord... time in the Word and personal prayer continues to keep us in step with Holy Spirit.

Continue to pray over our Church family, and reach out to those who are your life as the Holy Spirit leads you. Continue to pray for us as we navigate the current landscape. We are confident that God is continuing to build His Church, and that He was watching over every word He has spoken over the House!

Please keep us in the loop should a need arise. Ressie and I grateful for you and your commitment to the Church on 68!

Stepping with you,
Pastor Whit


We are continuing to remain online only Sunday services through December.

We will continue with no Wednesday night services through December.

Beginning Tuesday, December 1st Men’s Prayer & Discipleship will resume Tuesdays at 6am.



Hello Church!

 We have become aware of several members of 68 family that have been exposed to COVID-19.

Having spoken with our leadership team, and in seeking God, we have made the decision to suspend all services for the next 14 days. Our next gathering will be Sunday, November 22nd.

While this is a difficult decision, we sense God in it. For the last 21 years, we have followed the simple formula of ask God and simply follow His leading. I trust the Father is watching over the work He has started here, and will be faithful to complete it.

Thank you for standing with us as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters.... continue to follow Holy Spirit nudges... we will certainly advance in this 2-week respite. We love you immensely!

Pastors Whit and Ressie


Good Morning 68 Friends and Family!

What an incredible last six months we have experienced. There has been so much that has transpired, yet so much has remained. I am reminded of the scripture that says, “heaven and earth will pass away, but my word remains forever.”

Without a doubt, God has remained faithful in this season. His word remains. His promises remain. The call of God on the Church on 68 remains!

We are so full of faith as we will be returning to our Sunday morning gatherings beginning October 4th! We will have pre-service prayer at 9am and worship will launch at 10am. 

We have invested significantly in the cleaning and sanitizing of our church. We will follow, to the best of our ability, the guidelines for distancing, and being mindful of one another. Our prayer is that you follow your heart in regards to returning, and if in this season, you feel better to remain at home, we encourage you to tune in online to stay in step with the leading of God. 

We will have families remain together during Sunday service in this second phase of returning. We are continuing to pray for God’s timing on the returning of our Generations children’s ministry. We will keep you informed as that unfolds. 

Thank you for your faithfulness in this past season. As we return, may we march in cadence with all the God is doing in this hour. It is truly remarkable!!

We look forward to seeing you and your family soon!

Pastor Whit 


we will stick to a few simple increased safety measures at this time:

• In the Auditorium we will observe social distancing guidelines

• In the lobby we ask that you keep distance or wear a mask if distance is not possible

• As you enter the building you’ll have your choice of a sticker to wear that will help others know where you are with your social distancing preferences


Beginning Wednesday, September 2, we will return to our Wednesday Night Worship and Prayer meeting.

In the auditorium we will observe the social distancing guidelines.

In the foyer we ask that you keep distance or wear a mask if distance is not possible.

These are simple things that we can do in order for us to return as a church family.


We are taking active steps in meeting together again as a church family! We will me moving forward with Phase 1 beginning next week!

Next Tuesday, June 16, we will relaunch our Men’s Prayer and Discipleship at 6 a.m. We have taken practical precautions by removing every other row of seats in the auditorium as well as purchasing 5 more hand sanitizer dispensers.  

We want to emphasize that it is our desire that each of you follow your heart and your convictions as it pertains to your participation in our reopening. This is an unprecedented time, and we believe that as each of us walk in the  boundaries of our faith, God's will is continuing to be established at the Church on 68. 

Please also know, that if in your heart you still feel the need to remain at home, you are not only fully released but fully blessed in your decision. 

We will continue to communicate next phases through email and our Facebook group page. 

Thank you for your faithfulness to the call of God during this season. God will continue to direct our steps as we continue to seek Him.

Stepping with you,
Pastor Whit


I am writing to let you know where we are regarding re-opening the Church in light of all that is happening regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the guidelines necessary to reopen, and the measures we are taking to secure a safe environment for everyone.

Last week, Ressie and I met with the Elders to pray, seek God's heart, gain input and insight as to the timing of reopening. As you know, we can legally meet at this time with appropriate precautions in place. During our time together, there came a sense of God leading us to wait for now before we actually resume services. Because of the relational nature of how we have built, rather than reopen immediately, trying to keep families and children to honor the recommended social distancing, we want to wait for a bit before we resume. 

As you know, there is a generational call on 68. We have seen the fruit of the interaction between the generations, in close proximity, especially in our prayer and worship times. We sense God leading us to wait to reopen, so that the relational aspect of how we have built can remain intact. 

As you know, for the last 20 years, God has been incredibly generous in His communication towards us. Now is not the time to begin to make decisions separate from His leading. 

Ressie and I want to encourage you in this season to continue to be proactive in connecting with your church family. Give calls, reach out, grab a meal and encourage your others to continue to tune in to Sunday services. we want to encourage you also to remain faithful in prayer during this season apart. One thought may be that you gather in homes together to watch service online and maybe even gather to pray. You may feel more comfortable to connect virtually via Zoom, or Skype or any of the other online platforms for meeting remotely.  

If you feel Holy Spirit brings someone to mind, please follow the nudge to extend a touch! 

In this time, there are endless ways for us to stay connected until God gives the green light to reopen. Please continue to pray for us to see and hear clearly in this unprecedented time, and to navigate well in the midst of so many differing opinions on the timing of the reopening. ULTIMATELY, it is staying in step with the Father that is safest most secure place we can be.

We love you so much. Our hearts are full of gratitude as you have remained faithful to the Lord and the call of God on the Church on 68. 

As we walk forward in unity, God will certainly get the glory. 

Together in heart and spirit, 
Pastor Whit and Ressie